6 SEO Tips for Better Search Engine Rankings


After launching your own website, one of the most frustrating tasks is to get traffic to your website, and as we all know, without traffic, your website will be like a shopping center in the middle of nowhere, nobody will know about your website, and you won't be able to gain new leads or sales through your website.

One of the best ways to draw traffic to your website is by doing proper search engine optimization, both on-site and off-site. This increases your website's presence in search engines and makes it easier for potential customers to find your website on the internet. The better your SEO, the better chance you have to attract new customers and land more sales.

I would like to share 6 great tips I find very useful in my SEO campaigns. These 6 tips will help you increase the search engine friendliness of your website, and will help you rank your website higher in search engines. These tips are also very easy to implement, and will give you long-term results in your SEO campaigns.

Tip 1: Create unique, informative content that people want to read

The very first tip I'm giving you is a tip that will help with your on-site search engine optimization, and also give your website more credibility.

Create unique and original content on your website – whether you have a blog, a portfolio, an e-commerce website or any other kind of website, Google and other search engines love unique and original content!

By creating unique and original content on your website, either by creating new blog posts or by adding content to the pages of your website, you will be able to rank higher in search engines, and your website will be more search engine friendly.

You should also make your content informative – all of the content present on your website should be there to provide information, either by providing the reader with step-by-step instructions to help them perform a certain task, inform the reader of something that happened or will happen, or by giving the reader access to resources that will help them improve themselves, their business or any other aspect of their life.

The more informative your content is, the better the chance of having it shared, and by having your content shared on social networks, your website will start to receive automatic high-quality backlinks, which means higher rankings and more traffic.

Tip 2: Always stay on top of keyword research

Keyword research is a great way to find keywords to target on your website, and can help you draw more traffic to your website, as well as earn more revenue from your ads if you are using an ad network such as Google AdSense on your website or blog.

By doing keyword research, you will be able to find high-value keywords that you can target in your content, links and domain, which will result in better rankings and improved search engine optimization for your website. Keyword research can also help you determine how many searches there is every month for your chosen keywords, as well as approximately how much you can earn from ad revenue should you be using an ad network.

You should choose a target keyword for your website, as well as about 4 to 6 additional keywords you can use. These keywords will be your website's main keywords. Try to use your main target keyword in your domain, as well as on the home page of your website, and then also integrate the additional keywords onto the homepage of your website. You should moderate the usage of your target keywords, and make sure you include a balanced amount of keywords versus content.

If you are blogging or creating multiple pages on your website, you should do keyword research for each piece of new content you are adding, and optimize your content for the keywords you choose for that specific piece of content.

Another place to include your keywords is in the header tags on your content pages. The header tags are <h1> <h2> <h3> and so forth.

Tip 3: Focus on quality over quantity when building backlinks

Think of backlinks as the backbone of your off-page search engine optimization strategies – backlinks are the main factor that affect your website's ranking, and the higher quality backlinks you have pointed to your website, the higher your website will rank in search engines.

One unfortunate factor you need to consider is bad backlinks that point to your website. This is the main reason you should focus on quality over quantity – 100 high-quality backlinks pointing to your website is far more valuable than 10,000 low-quality backlinks that point to your website. Another factor that you should consider when building backlinks is that bad backlinks can harm the ranking of your website, instead of improving your ranking.

While building backlinks to your website, also try to get backlinks from website's in a similar niche. If you are selling beauty products, backlinks coming from a website selling cars or heavy machinery will not make much sense, but having backlinks from other related beauty blogs and websites will actually make sense and help you build your website's ranking.

Backlinks from.gov and.edu websites are also considered as highly valuable and can help boost your website's ranking due to the high credibility of these domain names.

Tip 4: Submit to search engines

The fourth tip is to submit your website to search engines.

Yes, search engines automatically crawls websites and include them in their database for inclusion in search results, but if you do not manually submit your website to these search engines, it might take quite a while for your website to be crawled and included in search engine databases.

This is why it's so important to submit your website to major search engines as soon as you can – try to do this as soon as your website goes live. By submitting your website to search engines as early as possible, your website will be crawled faster and added to the databases of search engines sooner.

Tip 5: Meta Tags

Although some search engines do not use Meta tags as much as before anymore, it is still an important factor to have in your website's code.

The meta tags in your website's code tell search engines and other websites what your website is about, and thus allows for better categorization of your website in databases.

Search engines are not the only technology that access and uses your website's meta tags. Paste a link to your website in Facebook – you'll see that Facebook automatically fetches important information from your website, including the page title and description – retrieved from the meta tags of your website. Many other websites and services make use of the meta tags of your website to crawl and collect important information about your website, so be sure to at least include the description and keyword meta tags in your website's code.

Tip 6: Directory listing

Directory listings are used by thousands, and can be a great way to gain more traffic, as well as high-quality backlinks to your website.

By including your website in directory listing platforms, you create the additional potential for your website – people can browse these directories and find your website there, then visit your website; and a backlink is created to your website, which means increased ranking.

Two very important directory listing platforms that you should at least get your website on is DMOZ and Yahoo's Directory. These two both have high page ranks, which means high-quality backlinks to your website.


The 6 tips shared in this article are all very valuable and can help you increase the ranking of all your websites. It's important to consider many factors when working on a search engine optimization campaign, in order for you to make the right decisions, and do proper search engine optimization for your website.

By utilizing these 6 tips, you will instantly be one step closer to a first-page ranking for your website. Simply continue working on your website, building high-quality backlinks and keep posting unique content on a regular basis. Doing so will constantly increase your website's rankings, and will help you get to page 1 of popular search engines.


Source by Gerhard G Homveld

Remember the Simple Business Ideas?


With a lot of hype and a lot of people working to find the great new way to achieve any kind of success in the internet marketing realm, simplicity is often forgotten and the tried and true methods that have made people millions of dollars are avoided for the latest and greatest thing. Things like Article Marketing, buying and selling website, AdSense, PPC and of course, finding the products by becoming an affiliate.

Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of those simple business ideas that doesn't cost any money to start. Anyone can start article marketing with a little effort. If you have the slightest ability to research information for your keywords and content you can write and if you can write, you can submit articles to platforms like EzineArticles and article king with a back-link that provides some quality traffic. All it takes is the product you're selling, time to write, some research for your keywords and the patience to submit. This can be repeated for different article sites and different products and depends entirely on your ability to create content that sells.

Buying & Selling Websites

Buying and selling websites are still one of the ways to make the most money with a small investment. Sites like Flippa and buysellwebsites.com are some places that provide a platform to sell your site for 12x the current income it's making. If you already have a site that's been up and running for a few months and has some income, this could be an option for you.


AdSense is still making tons of money for a lot of people and with a few WordPress applications and added SEO in a variety of niche markets, you could provide a website that offers quality information and generates some traffic then you can gain a massive consistent return on your efforts. If you understand this process, you have found a continuous way to make large amounts of cash on the internet.


This one is for people who have a lot of start-up income and just want to invest in something that's going to make a return. PPC or pay-per-click, is a way for people to make a lot of unlimited income by buying traffic and referring them to the website that pays you for a sale. This is mostly playing with numbers all the time and doing a lot of diligent work with keyword research.


Source by Terri J Mills

How Will Duplicate Content Impact SEO And How to Fix It?


According to Google Search Console, "Duplicate content generally refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar."

Technically a duplicate content, may or may not be penalized, but can still sometimes impact search engine rankings. When there are multiple pieces of, so called "appreciably similar" content (according to Google) in more than one location on the Internet, search engines will have difficulty to decide which version is more relevant to a given search query.

Why does duplicate content matter to search engines? Well it is because it can bring about three main issues for search engines:

  1. They don't know which version to include or exclude from their indices.
  2. They don't know whether to direct the link metrics (trust, authority, anchor text, etc) to one page, or keep it separated between multiple versions.
  3. They don't know which version to rank for query results.

When duplicate content is present, website owners will be affected negatively by traffic losses and rankings. These losses are often due to a couple of problems:

  1. To provide the best search query experience, search engines will rarely show multiple versions of the same content, and thus are forced to choose which version is most likely to be the best result. This dilutes the visibility of each of the duplicates.
  2. Link equity can be further diluted because other sites have to choose between the duplicates as well. Instead of all inbound links pointing to one piece of content, they link to multiple pieces, spreading the link equity among the duplicates. Because inbound links are a ranking factor, this can then impact the search visibility of a piece of content.

The eventual result is that a piece of content will not achieve the desired search visibility it otherwise would.

Regarding scraped or copied content, this refers to content scrapers (websites with software tools) that steal your content for their own blogs. Content referred here, includes not only blog posts or editorial content, but also product information pages. Scrapers republishing your blog content on their own sites may be a more familiar source of duplicate content, but there's a common problem for e-commerce sites, as well, the description / information of their products. If many different websites sell the same items, and they all use the manufacturer's descriptions of those items, identical content winds up in multiple locations across the web. Such duplicate content are not penalized.

How to fix duplicate content issues? This all comes down to the same central idea: specifying which of the duplicates is the "correct" one.

Whenever content on a site can be found at multiple URLs, it should be canonicalized for search engines. Let's go over the three main ways to do this: Using a 301 redirect to the correct URL, the rel = canonical attribute, or using the parameter handling tool in Google Search Console.

301 redirect: In many cases, the best way to combat duplicate content is to set up a 301 redirect from the "duplicate" page to the original content page.

When multiple pages with the potential to rank well are combined into a single page, they not only stop competing with one another; They also create a stronger relevancy and popularity signal overall. This will positively impact the "correct" page's ability to rank well.

Rel = "canonical": Another option for dealing with duplicate content is to use the rel = canonical attribute. This tells search engines that a given page should be treated as though it were a copy of a specified URL, and all of the links, content metrics, and "ranking power" that search engines apply to this page should actually be credited to the specified URL.

Meta Robots Noindex: One meta tag that can be particularly useful in dealing with duplicate content is meta robots, when used with the values ​​"noindex, follow." Commonly called Meta Noindex, Follow and technically known as content = "noindex, follow" this meta robots tag can be added to the HTML head of each individual page that should be excluded from a search engine's index.

The meta robots tag allows search engines to crawl the links on a page but keeps them from including those links in their indices. It's important that the duplicate page can still be crawled, even though you're telling Google not to index it, because Google explicitly cautions against restricting crawl access to duplicate content on your website. (Search engines like to be able to see everything in case you've made an error in your code. It allows them to make a [likely automated] "judgment call" in otherwise ambiguous situations.) Using meta robots is a particularly good solution for duplicate content issues related to pagination.

Google Search Console allows you to set the preferred domain of your site (eg yoursite.com instead of <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.yoursite.com"&gt; http: // http://www.yoursite.com </a>) and specify whether Googlebot should crawl various URL parameters differently (parameter handling).

The main drawback to using parameter handling as your primary method for dealing with duplicate content is that the changes you make only work for Google. Any rules put in place using Google Search Console will not affect how Bing or any other search engine's crawlers interpret your site; You'll need to use the webmaster tools for other search engines in addition to adjusting the settings in Search Console.

While not all scrapers will port over the full HTML code of their source material, some will. For those that do, the self-referential rel = canonical tag will ensure your site's version gets credit as the "original" piece of content.

Duplicate content is fixable and should be fixed. The rewards are worth the effort to fix them. Making concerted effort to creating quality content will result in better rankings by just getting rid of duplicate content on your site.


Source by Nicholas Joseph Lim

How Can Digital Marketing Work for Your Business?


There is no question that we live in the digital world and from this perspective; It is significant that your business has magnificent presence in the digital space. Internet marketing or digital marketing is the marketing future across the world with full of advantages as compared to traditional marketing. Here are the few reasons why digital marketing is important for every business:

  1. Provides equal opportunity to all kinds of businesses.
  2. More cost effective as compared to traditional Marketing.
  3. Delivers more conversions.
  4. Helps in generating more Revenues.
  5. Facilitates interaction with targeted audience.
  6. Also caters to mobile customers.
  7. It helps in earning people trusts

All these reasons show that digital marketing or digital modes of communication are quicker, result driven and more adaptable. To optimize your business and drive conversions, it is essential to know about all the digital marketing elements, which are as follows:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
In the layman's terms, SEO is a marketing discipline, which focuses on organic (non-paid) visibility on search engines. SEO is not only related to making your website or online presence better for search engines but also about making it better for people. To provide relevant results to its audience, Google regularly updates its algorithms. Because of this regular updates by Google, many experts say that their effort is futile but their results or SEO is dead. However the truth is that Google tries to filter the websites that don't deserve to be on the top of search Engine Result Pages (SERP's).

SEO is one of the most cost-effective strategies that will bring organic traffic to your website. So, there is no doubt in investing in SEO work.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
It is the most effective and comprehensive strategy to grow your business and drive more traffic to your website in an increasingly competitive market. With lots of business presence on digital platform and all of them keeping their eyes on the same, it is significant to advertise online, and SEM is one of the best ways to promote or advertise your business. It is done primarily through paid effort, which is why it is also called as Paid Search Marketing.

The SEM domain is diverse and complicated, so on the basis of the structure of your business, you may choose PPC (Pay per Click) or CPM (Cost Per-Thousand Impressions) or CPC (Cost per Click). Google Adwords (Google) and Bing ads (Yahoo) are the most popular platforms for SEM.

Content Creation
Content creation is an effective marketing method and even after the changes in Google's algorithms like Penguin, Panda or Humming bird update, content is still the most significant metric while measuring the search results. Content can be presented in many ways, such as blogs, e-books, case studies, how to guides, question & answer articles, banners, infographics, images, news updates, videos or content for social media sites.

You can create content on any topic related to your business (if you are creative), and then skillfully link it to your business indirectly. The content should be professional and search engine optimized. It is always better to leave certain things in hands of professionals to achieve success in your business. There are many Content Writing as well as Content Marketing agencies which not only write the content in the professional way but also promote it on digital media to create brand awareness and bring traffic, which in turn convert to your customers.

SMM (Social Media Marketing)
Social Media Marketing uses social networking sites (like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest etc.) as a tool of promoting websites and bringing traffic towards your business.

The basic goal of SMM is to engage or communicate with the users, increase brand visibility and reach more customers. Having an active Social Media Presence (engage on daily basis) has become an invaluable part to expand your reach, which as a result will build your own reputation and brand.

Mobile Marketing
The consistent use of smartphones in daily life has brought this technique of marketing. This technique would definitely give more exposure to your business as mobile has become an integral part of our life. Mobile marketing can be done in various ways. Some of them are as:

  • App-Based marketing
  • In-Game Mobile Marketing
  • SMS
  • Mobile Search Ads
  • Mobile Image ads

Email Marketing
Emailing is one of the easiest and inexpensive ways to advertise your business and products or services as compared to all other digital marketing strategies. Below are some of the reasons how email marketing can help in growth of your business:

  • Email has wider reach
  • Email delivers your communication
  • Email drives conversions
  • Email results in higher ROI (Return on Investment)
  • It is an open platform and will remain there forever

All the above reasons, shows that email marketing is the most effective marketing channel that can help you to connect with audience and drive sales and revenue for your business.

As a marketer, you have many channels and strategies to promote your business online and reach your audience. It is important to choose different marketing strategies for your business to succeed online. However, the truth is the combination of different strategies can only serve your objectives better. A digital marketing agency offers all online solutions that can help you in achieving a high ROI. These agencies consult, strategize and execute to deliver the best. So, it is highly recommended to opt for professional digital marketing services to achieve online business success.


Source by Vineet Kumar Singh

Dramatically Double Your Search Traffic With Foolproof On-Page SEO Techniques


Having a website is not a big deal nowadays, but having it on the top of the Google is the business. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the key factor that helps to increase the ranking of your website and double your traffic drastically. Though it doesn't always work the way we want because of our lack of knowledge, therefore hiring a professional team is not a bad deal. When it comes to SEO, so, it splits into two different categories, ie On-page and Off-page SEO techniques. In today's article, we will discuss the On-Page SEO techniques that help you double your traffic.

  • Wrap Your Title In Headings: Undoubtedly, your content has a number of sub heads and to make it easier for the Google to crawl them you should wrap each and every title in the headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.). It attracts the attention of the readers and search engines as well.
  • Make Your URL Short And Sweet: If you want to reach somewhere so the very first thing you need is the address of the destination – isn't? And the URL of your website is the address that helps the users to reach your website over the World Wide Web. And in an order to make it memorable you should keep it short and sweet and easy to pronounce, so, one can easily remember it.
  • Internal Linking: Another simple tactic that doubles your web traffic and increases your search ranking is the internal linking. Make sure each and every link on your website is working and take you to the right place where you want to reach. It helps the search engines to crawl the particular keyword and boost its ranking.
  • Meta Description: Meta Description again an important On-page SEO factor that you need to pay attention. It helps the search engine to understand what your web page is all about. Make it short and meaningful for the better results.

All the above On-page SEO techniques will help you get the great results as they matter the most in improving the overall ranking of your website. These tactics may not only double your search ranking but also helps to build up your strategy. Using all the techniques in the right way may help you make the website more trustworthy, which Google loves the most. So, what are you waiting for? Opt for all such techniques and enjoy the huge traffic on your website that increases your conversion rate.


Source by Gunjan Singh

Secret PPC by Armand Morin Reviewed


I was fortunate enough to be an attendee at Armand Morin Live in London back in November 2009, I have to report, as an Internet Marketer, this was a superb weekend of learning.

A key ingredient was the presentation of his new AdWords "how to" product Secret PPC which I saw live on stage.

This Was A New Strategy With Very Low CPC

Now, I can't say too much about what's in Secret PPC without giving the game away totally, but I'll tell you the results I saw from implementing the strategy. You see, AdWords is becoming expensive to play by the normal rules. Many of my campaigns were becoming marginal on straight forward PPC ads.

I'd recently had a play around on MSN and Yahoo with varying results. I definitely wanted to stick with Google as the traffic is better and there is definitely a lot more of it, but it was beginning to get a bit costly

So, I sat there glued as Armand presented the strategy there, live on stage. At first I thought it must just be his dollar buying power that was keeping his cost per click down as low as it was, but he assured us that in most markets clicks can be purchased at less than $ 0.05 / click.

There were examples of other Armand Morin students who had used the technique to build lists of 20-30,000 at just a few cents per click. Imagine a list that size built in double quick time at virtually no cost.

So, I vowed to try out Secret PPC as soon as I got home.

Sunday night huddled around the PC I built and put up my first Secret PPC campaign in the Parental Software niche.

I had been paying $ 0.75 – $ 1.03 for normal AdWords clicks. The Secret PPC campaign came in at 3-4 pence (UK money, Google has now changed UK customers to GBP). Talk about gobsmacked! So, over the next week I started up Secret PPC campaigns in every market we worked in.

Not only did my cost per click drop to these remarkable levels, but the number of clicks was massively increased as well.

I couldn't believe the difference.

By the way, you will get a much lower click through rate, but this is OK. The exposure this type of campaign gets is much wider and there are thousands of impressions. But … these low CTR's are actually OK on a Secret PPC campaign, because … the normal rules do not apply!

Since I started implementing Secret PPC in late November I have seen my CPC drop dramatically across all of my campaigns. The number of clicks has also increased by a factor of 7-8 and our profitability has increased by … wait for it … 200%! Stunning figures and the best reason I can find to get your hands on Secret PPC.

The bottom line, I have come to trust Armand Morin over the last two years. Yes, I know some of his stuff is expensive, but I guess the reason for that is it works.

Secret PPC works at all levels our results prove the point conclusively! Highly recommended.


Source by Derek Armson

Importance of SEO for All Types of Business


Search Engine Optimization plays a very important role in your business. In this digital age, the search engine ranking of your business can be a crucial factor to your success. So, how can a business improve its placement in searches. With the help of SEO, your business can go from nowhere to many places. According to the recent data, 82% shoppers research for the product before making a purchase. If your business is not ranked higher in search engine results then you are surely going to lose out on sales. SEO is a technique to organically improve your business' search results.

SEO is a Necessity in this Digital Age
It's tough for business' to capture customers attention in this cluttered advertising world where everything is overloaded with information. Search Engine Optimization is one way to capture the online world's attention with guaranteed results. With many business' already implemented SEO, it will be foolish to ignore this marketing strategy. So business' do spend a lot on SEO. So Search Engine Optimization has become an investment. You will not get results overnight and has to have patience, but in the long run it will be more than worth it.

Ever-Changing and Ever-Evolving Nature of SEO
Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms for optimization, so it is tough to maintain a SEO strategy. Updates like, Google gives more importance to websites which are mobile responsive in search results and it will be penalizing websites that use pop-ups and will penalize by ranking them lower. Some business' will find it challenging to keep up with these ever-changing Google algorithms.

Optimal Insight into Your Customers
If your website is SEO optimized, it will boost your visibility in search engines which in turn will improve your business's credibility, increase your websites web traffic all of which is an important SEO factor. Once you get traffic, Google Analytics helps you track valuable information about your visitors like their location, demographics (age, gender), what browser they are using, keywords used to visit the site, time spent on your website, identify your best and worst performing page, what visitors are most clicking on your site and many other factors. These crucial information helps in building marketing strategies like your target audience, target location. The better you know your customers the better product / service you can provide and get better results in ROI. Search Engine Optimization has become a long time investment for businesses. Content will always be the king, but SEO factors play a huge role in improving your business. SEO can guarantee you traffic to your website but it can't guarantee you sales. Initially SEO will help in giving you sales but in the long run it is your product and service which you provide to the end customers that matters. It is possible that you website is ranking on first page of Google and still not enough business, so in the end it is the content, product and service that matters.

How an SEO / Digital Marketing Agency can Help
Many in the organization are not well versed with SEO and other forms of digital marketing. So in this complex age of digital marketing many businesses are turning to digital marketing agency for help. They hire digital marketers as consultant or give SEO training to their staff from industrial trainers in digital marketing. So looking to outsource your SEO work often helps because of its complexity. Search Engine Optimization will surely benefit your business by leaps and bounds.

Implement SEO and to get noticed, get visitors and get sales!


Source by Vijay Tripathi

PPV Tracking


CPV traffic, if targeted properly could yield a very positive return on investment. Nowadays there are many good networks that provide such kind of traffic. They do have an inbuilt tracking system which can show your number of views and conversions. But they provide very basic kind of tracking which isn't much helpful in most of the cases. For ex, you may want to see what targeted URLs or keywords are more profitable during what hours of the day or date range. What if you want to see the earnings and expense patterns in a graphical line chart, so that you could see what days of the week are better than others. What about scraping URLs for your CPV campaigns? It could take a lot of time, if done manually. How to detect any kind of fraud CPV traffic? What if you want to split test not only your landing pages but offer or thank-you pages as well? Won't you need a good URL rotator in that case?

So a good tracking system is mandatory, which can track not only your PPV / CPV campaigns but CPC as well as banner campaigns too. It should also provide you full privacy so that you don't have to share your landing page or offer page URLs with the platform. There are four crucial types of tracking reports which are required for optimizing any marketing campaign "

• Keyword / URL Tracking
• SID Tracking
• Graphical Tracking
• Hourly Tracking

Keyword / URL Tracking

This is the basic and most crucial tracking required for any CPV campaign. It should show you performing and non performing keywords or URLs with profit and loss for each. It would be even better if there's a way to download positive and negative keywords in excel format. At the same time you would also need fraud traffic warning feature in case there's a fraud traffic from some automatic bot etc.

SID Tracking

This tracking is useful to identify the good or bad traffic sources. Most of the CPV networks can pass the traffic source variable to your destination URL. For example, a same keyword or URL might be profitable for one of the traffic source but might not be for an another one. So it is utmost important thing to pause bad traffic sources from sending any traffic to your campaign. SID tracking is also useful in case you wish to see what specific placements are better than others.

Graphical Tracking

This kind of tracking reports are very easy to understand and they give you a very clear picture of whether your campaign is performing good or bad. Basically, it shows you a line chart with two lines, one for earnings and another for expenses for a given period of time. So you could see how a campaign or a particular keyword / URL of a campaign is performing for a chosen date range.

Hourly Tracking

It has been found that certain hours of a day are more profitable for an online marketing campaign than others. Most of these hours are always profitable, no matter what day of the week is it. So a good tracking system should show, what hours are profitable for a particular campaign, keyword or sid and you can then raise your budget during those hours. And you can also pause the negative hours, if you know them. Many of the CPV networks allow you to set date / times during which your campaign will be active or paused automatically.

What other things are required for a successful PPV campaign?

A good URL scraper tool can help you scrap desired URLs in seconds from many major sites.

Another must to have tool is the URL rotator script, using which you can rotate and split test your landing pages as well as offer or thank-you pages. So you can see which path works better. ie for a particular landing page which offer page converts better. It would be even better if you can find such a script that can be self hosted so you don't have to share any of your URLs.


Source by Ravinder Mann

Six Search Engine Optimization Key Success Factors


There are many professional Search Engine Marketing (SEM) techniques that if employed immediately and then updated and continued over time will significantly increase the natural search engine ranking of your website. In this article I have outlined 6 basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) key success factors that if implemented on your website will immediately improve your ranking within the search engines.

1. Perform Keyword research

This is one of the most misunderstood, and yet one of the most critical, aspects in tuning your website for good rankings. When performing Keyword research your goal is to find a keyword (a one or two word phrase) that describes the subject matter of your website. Once you choose that word your next goal is to research the web using specific keyword research tools, many of which are free, and uncover what are called long tail keywords (3 or more words) that have high searches and low competing websites.

Make no mistake about it, Keyword research is a time consuming and artful process. But this research up front will make a huge difference in your results.

2. Create an SEO Friendly Title Tag

Create a Keyword rich “Title Tag” and embed that tag in the head section of your HTML document or in the title section of your blog configuration. When your webpage appears in the search results, your “Title Tag” text will most likely be shown.

3. Create an SEO Friendly Description Meta Tag

Create a Keyword rich “Description Meta Tag” and embed it in the head section of your HTML document or within your blog configuration. This is a one or two sentence description of your webpage. This description meta tag is reviewed by the search engines and it tells them what keywords your webpage is about, hence what your page is about.

4. Ensure Keyword Anchor Text

The words that are used in your linking structure should be your Keywords. They are called “anchor” text when they are used as the phrases that are linked from and they tell the search engines what the user is searching for based on the “click” action. An often overlooked technique, especially in blogs, this is a key factor we use in search engine optimization consulting.

5. Use Full URL linking

You want to make it as easy as possible for webpage crawling programs (i.e. Googlebot) to find all of your webpages in your website. As such, when creating your linking structure ensure all of your links are referenced using their full URL.

6. Offer Quality, SEO Friendly Content

Search engine programmers are not dumb, and the algorithms they create are constantly being improved and updated to find quality content for their customers (i.e. search engine users). For long term success create a plan to ensure you have quality content that is updated periodically based on new keyword research and relevance to your marketing efforts.

What this means is while you should write your content (text) for your readers, ensure your keyword phrases are embedded into that text at a high enough level to ensure the search engines understand those keywords are important, but not so much that they think your site is a spam site. If you spam your site with keywords, your site will be penalized by low rankings or be completely removed from the index.

In summary, there are many aspects of SEO, but these are 6 techniques you can use as part of your search engine marketing strategy.


Source by Chris Krebs

Google AdSense Profits And Affiliate Marketing


If you are an affiliate marketer who has a niche content rich website, you can earn extra income by joining the Google AdSense program. Google will display relevant ads on your content pages and PAY YOU every time your site visitors simply 'click' one of the ads. They don't have to buy anything or join any 'memberships'. All your website visitors have to do is CLICK the ad and YOU get paid!

Getting started is easy. Google will set up an account for you and provide you with a code you need for displaying ads. Simply insert the code into the content pages on your website and you can start displaying ads immediately.

Google search and page-ranking technology will search for ads that are relevant to your content pages. This technology matches the primary language of your pages and the ads are targeted to your specific geographic location. This means that ads which serve users from United Kingdom, for example, will not be the same ads that appear on your website for users in Argentina. This 'geotargeting' by Google makes the ads relevant to all the visitors to your website regardless of where they reside in the world.

In order for your website to be accepted, your site must comply with Google's program policies and cannot contain any profanity, prejudicial language, information about hacking, illicit drugs, pornography, gambling or any other material that infringes on the rights of others.

The following types of websites are NOT accepted by Google Adsense:

1. About Me Websites

Google does not accept personal websites for its AdSense program. The reason for this is that most personal websites do not have a specific theme and are usually just a random collection of information about the website's owner. Google looks for content-based websites that contain a lot of information about a specific topic. The website has to have a central theme to which all the pages refer.

2. Disorganized Websites

The websites that are accepted by Google AdSense must be neat and easy for the user to navigate. All the links must work and each page should have a consistent layout. Typing and grammatical errors should be minimal or non-existent.

3. Not enough pages

Google prefers acceptable websites to have at least 20 pages. This allows for a significant number of targeted ads to be placed on the website to ensure that both Google and the publisher will make money.

4. Site is not solid

A website with nothing but links to other websites is not acceptable as a Google AdSense publishing website. You must have enough CONTENT to make your website valuable to the visitor.

5. Website is not optimized to receive traffic

If your website is not optimized to receive many visitors, then it will be hard to generate any kind of income through Google AdSense.

6. Website violates policies of Google AdSense

Before submitting an application, read the terms of use policies carefully to ensure that your website meets all of the requirements. The good news is once you're approved you can display AdSense on all of your websites, so long as they comply with Google's policies.

In conclusion, Google AdSense program can bring passive income to a content rich websites. If you have one, contact Google to get started.


Source by Hastings T Chikuse